Speaker Details
Henrik Tunfors
Henrik is a senior maritime advisor and currently the focal point for autonomous shipping and smart ships at the Swedish Transport Agency. He is a regular at the International Maritime Organization (IMO), both as a delegate and chairman. His current assignment is chairing the Working Group on Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (MASS), which oversees the regulatory scoping exercise on how to address MASS in IMO instruments. Henrik has a master’s in law, specialized in maritime and competition law, from Lund University, Sweden, graduating in 2001. In 1999 he completed the International and Comparative Law Program at Katholeike Universiteit Brabant (Tilburg University) in the Netherlands. He has previously held several government positions in the maritime field, including legal advisor, international liaison and various managing positions over the course of almost 20 years dedicated to shipping.Presentation
Outcome of the IMO MASS regulatory scoping exercise
The presentation will focus on what the scoping exercise (RSE) safety and security regulations of the IMO are, including the content, process, definitions, findings and conclusions. It will also discuss the next steps at the IMO and what’s likely ahead.